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You can expect them to return next year - like lots of tradeable things, including those tokens you also can get from the maps, they were initially introduced half a decade ago when they still hosted that spring fayre. So most likely everything in those baskets will be part of the next event as well.
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I don't think anything is discontinued other than the old rares previously announced as discontinued. Someday we get Pet of Seasons somewhere. Someday we will get Easter Baskets and all the associated Easter Eggs too.
The eggs are like the Valentine candies. We need them to fill some containers. Candies are not temporary items, so aren't eggs.
They explicitely stated that the of seasons things are discontinued after the respective promotion ended. While the untradeable, individual crowns (but only those and none of the items introduced in later promotions) were re-continued at some point, they permanently removed the ability to combine them into the full variant. The only way for you to get the seasons pet is by buying an ever more getting diminished supply of those unlock tokens.
Generally MTX things are tricky - you usually shouldn't expect them to come back, but they're certainly not that secure of it to be considered as something to invest in. Players lost a lot with that assassin walk for instance. But truth to be told - for that one they never stated it's gone forever.
In general they do not often say stuff's gone forever - black santa, golden phat, that fish mask and the season thingies are among those. But also for other MTX things - just don't except them to come back - until they do.
There aren't "MTX things" anymore actually. We used to get pirate titles like Pirate King only from TH, Guthix knew how long ago, but RIGHT NOW we are getting them from Franks's Free Chest which has absolutely nothing to do with MTX.
11-Apr-2023 18:12:31