Well... me being the new owner of a car didn't realise I left all the lights on overnight, and well rip battery....
Thats why you have a charged battery booster in your car or home just in case.
Wow it's cold. Just been out for lunch. We have a few burger places around us so went to 1 I liked and had a cheese burger and nice cup of tea. Also a nice chat....
It's bitter out there on motorbike even with the winter gear on. Just got back but really did enjoy that ride. Apart from the nutcases in cars out to hit me. 3 today and all on video.
They just don't look for bikes even though I've lights on and bright yellow reflective strips on my jacket.
Comprehensive Account Security
The temperature in my area has been flip flopping..few days ago it was -20-25C and now its warmed up to -6. Suppose to be +5 over the weekend, it seems it can't figure out what it wants to do over here.
ORA High Council Member
LODJ RS3 Division