oh i have a heart. a heart for all those people YOUR clans had blacklisted from any major SW clan. a heart for ALL those clans YOUR clan killed off. A heart for all those people who tried to set up tie worlds and were killed off by YOUR clan.
Its odd, but when YOUR clan had power, they used it in much the same way we are doing now. Now youre nothing but leechers and suddenly honour and fairness play a role? get real.
Obbys have sytematically destroyed people for years. So its payback.
if YOUR clan is so honourable, why are you leeching on w44? Where is the honour in that?
Fight us, or leave SW. Btw: you ranks in Obbys: you have a small window of opportunity to leave that cc and join us or our allies.
You dont want to be blacklisted or hunted down, believe me. many of us have experienced that , and its not something i would reccoment.
the it king: that doesnt apply to you, obsidia, kali or bruce. Your sw-owningdays are completely over =)
@@@@@@@@@@ SWA Pride @@@@@@@@@@
05-Apr-2011 09:13:23