Full Clan Name: Society of Misthalin
Official Clan Name: (the name you're called in-game, may different from actual name) Society Chat
Clan Representatives (who will have forum access, max 2): Fawx / The Level
Clan Creation Date: December 2014.
Number of Members: 140.
Memberlist: (Official Clan Page link or if Runehead, type 'Runehead') Can be found on our thread below
Forum QFC: (if you use an offsite forum, type 'offsite')
Society of Misthalin
Please note that we are OSRS, but as there's no current support for Clans we thought we'd try enter here. As a friend of mine has claimed to have got through too.
The CLF is not for OSRS Clans - it focuses on the administration and management of RS3 clans. As OSRS clans are unsupported we cannot provide them access to the CLF.
Clan Representatives Tea Rose (owner); Primalist (dept owner).
Clan Creation Date: 15 May 2015
Number of Members: 88
Memberlist: Thread ID is "71wy"
Forum QFC: Offsite
There is a requirement for CLF access of your clan being more than 6 months old - as your Clan is not very old yet I cannot grant access at this time.