Full Clan Name: Lorehounds
Official Clan Name: Lorehounds
Clan Representatives (who will have forum access, max 2): Any-Sao and Lethalintent
Clan Creation Date: June 16, 2014.
Number of Members: 66 (currently, yet rising)
Memberlist: http://services.runescape.***/m=clan-hiscores/c=TTY9u7YO-EI/members***?clanName=Lorehounds&pageSize=15
Forum QFC: 290-291-450-65399458
We're a noble questing and lore clan and we look forward to being able to use a forum to meet with clans bearing similar interests.
But I have a question: As the clan leader I have two deputies. I feel bad for choosing only one to have access to the CLF (Lethalintent). Is there any reason I couldn't allow all three of of us access to the forum?
(My second deputy is named Texonian)
I’m not great at this game, but I do love quests.
23-Aug-2014 21:01:55