I don't know if we're eligible for this because we're a friends chat. I doesn't hurt to post here anyway.
We focus on hosting floors for people looking to train dungeoneering with a party. Some admin ranks look after the fc.
Full Clan Name: Relaxed Dungeons
Official Clan Name: Relaxed Dung
Clan Representatives (who will have forum access, max 2): Irma Redwing, L0ki 1
Clan Creation Date: April 2011
Number of Members: 118 ranked members (18 of them are admin ranks) and lots of unranked who visit us every day
Memberlist: Offsite
Forum QFC: Offsite
Full Clan Name: Targaryen Rs
Official Clan Name: Targaryen Rs
Clan Representatives Shailay & Zparanoid
Clan Creation Date: June 2013
Number of Members: 62
Memberlist: http://services.runescape.***/m=clan-hiscores/c=jfPbzTrXtFM/members***?clanName=Targaryen+RS
Forum QFC: 'offsite' & basics on link: http://services.runescape.***/m=clan-forum/c=jfPbzTrXtFM/
Full Clan Name: Fort Hope
Official Clan Name: (the name you're called in-game, may different from actual name): N/A
Clan Representatives (who will have forum access, max 2): Thfreud, Ancest0r
Clan Creation Date: August 2013
Number of Members: 64 (as of 25.11.13 @ 12:41pm GMT)
Memberlist: (Official Clan Page link or if Runehead, type 'Runehead') http://services.runescape.***/m=clan-hiscores/c=hkMaBW7iud4/members***?clanName=Fort+Hope&pageSize=45
Forum QFC: (if you use an offsite forum, type 'offsite') 93-94-695-65208762