Full Clan Name:
Realm of Gods
Official Clan Name: (the name you're called in-game, may different from actual name)
ROG/Realm of Gods
Clan Representatives (who will have forum access, max 2):Akhaos, Blade2OOO179
Clan Creation Date:
June 2014
Number of Members:
Memberlist: (Official Clan Page link or if Runehead, type 'Runehead')http://services.runescape.***/m=clan-home/c=*Rl-Hkd***A/clan/Realm+of+Gods
Forum QFC: (if you use an offsite forum, type 'offsite') offsite/FB
Although we are "younger", we request leader forum access as we are an active (and actively growing) large clan. Additionally, many of our members are long-time players including clan leadership.