Name: Osama reds
What logo would you like to use?: Page 9 ; Post 10
I have not created the thread yet as i would like to perfect before it goes up. It is a G & A thread logging my progress towards 99 Runecrafting. I will be incooperating the logo into a level meter (so the logo would be the circular base at the bottom). I will ofcourse metion your name as the creater of the art. I will answer the other questions if you want when i post my thread.
I'm good thanks, and how is my fave inspirational friend today?
Osama Reds, thanks for the positive feedback! ^^ I usually don't allow people to use logos for threads that haven't been created yet, but I'm feeling rather leanient, and I believe that I can trust you, haha.
You may use the logo, and I wish you best of luyck on your goal!
Saph, replied. <3