But it has been 5 years! Its hard to remember who you could possibly be =p you cannot be the person i hope for... Absolutely Impossible. So ill work down my list. =D
A list is only lines of gradual names and perpetual successors. It is once someone is off a list and implanted in a soul's memory forever that a list is not worthy of them.
To add to my previous comment, it depends on the person and their opinion on wether or not someone is "Implanted on their soul." After all, you may end up being someone I've never heard of, or even somebody i had minor or even major transgressions with, therefore being implanted on my soul for the wrong reasons. =/ Hopefully not, but we shall see. =)
Therefore, I am only one of the many gradual names on that list. I have not been implanted into your memory forever, so simply a name on a list is what I may be to you.
You never know
There are a few people that I think very highly of still, where again, a list would not be worthy. Though I must say, I dont literally have a list scribbled down I was just using that as an example, or metaphor, whatever.
And to you Rebel my lovely, It'll be a while till Im ingame, will be in time though
Hope all is well.