By Innue
~Of Leaders and Legends~
The RSB has always been a place of controversy. And, many come to it, regardless of the realization. Some come for that reason alone, the thrill of the fight. Some come to seek fame or glory. Or, some just come on a whim.
A dynamic group of people is here, all vastly different, even though it isn't always seen. Sadly, because of this, there are a lot of issues.
Ranking threads, another saddening fact, sometimes cause these issues. Deeds from the past put people on these Legendary Lists for events that happened long ago.
Yes, it is history, but there is a point to where things become nearly unchangeable. What is my point to this then? Simple, I am hoping to uncloud a window.
Ranking threads have put the people of the RSB in an order, rarely going past 20. However, I have seen many of these 'great' leaders and events in action....
Sadly, people put to much focus on one time events, or just a liking to a person. Skills that others have are left on the sidelines because they aren't 'known' well enough to be on a list.
I am especially focusing on the Top Leaders and Legends sections. People rank people highly, very often, for reasons I find wrong.
Numbers mean little to me. They are merely a statistic that measures ONE aspect of a group, person, item, etc. Only a deep and comprehensive look gives a truly more accurate representation.
Legendary lists I have always viewed with a bit of disdain, merely because there are people that are forgotten because they didn't 'make a change', yet were still very skilled at what they did, sometimes more skilled (by my opinion), than the people that are on those lists.
This carries over quite effectively to leadership lists. Many people rank Leaders and clans for numerical threats. Yes, from a Ladder Ranking, it is good... it gives a statistical overview of their strength
28-Jan-2013 20:06:16
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28-Jan-2013 22:15:36