
RSB Lounge

Quick find code: 135-136-277-64211813



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~Post of the night~

Aero Shot
28-Jan-2013 20:19:27 Last edited on 28-Jan-2013 20:20:29 by Aero Shot
just so you guys know, i may or may not have created the lounge for matt b/c i knew it would take him about as long to create it as it would for him to update the old lounge.

now you have no more excuses matt :)


~A post to remember~


Never stop trying, and never stop believing.

28-Jan-2013 20:01:48 - Last edited on 28-Jan-2013 22:01:45 by Matt0708



Posts: 76,950 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~The Departed~

To maybe be reranked.

Departed Logo Artists:

- Unavenged2 (U&C #2)
- Tozarian 1x (U&C #1)
- Ethanlas (Top #4)
- Vipers02 (Top #7)
- S S Inu Yasa
- Superant1
- Nat(c)i 124
- Hyperdrive7

Departed Clans:

- Rampage (Top clan #4)
- The British Devils (Top clan #5)
- Stronghold Legends (Top clan #11)
- Clan Terror (U&C clan #1)
- Relentless Souls (U&C clan #2)
- The Uprising (U&C clan #5)
- Divine Army (U&C clan # 11)
- Dragon's Rage (U&C clan # 10)
- Fort Major (U&C clan #9)
- Timeless Raiders (U&C clan #3)
- Abyssal pures (U&C clan #6)
- The Dominators (U&C clan #12)
- Rage- (U&C clan #1)
- Existence- (U&C clan #4)
- Domination Crusaders (U&C clan #9)
- Hellz Havoc (U&C clan #8)
- Diciples of Chaos (U&C clan #6)
- Spirit Warriors (Top clan #14)
- Revenge (U&C clan #2, list wasn't complete at time of closing)

Departed Individuals:

- Unavenged2 (U&C Leader #3, U&C RSBan #2)
- Boryzewski0 (U&C Leader #1, U&C RSBan #5)
- Shadogate (U&C Leader #11)
- Darkchick216 (U&C RSBan #10)
- Jim6700 (#10 Top Leader)
- Da Green Bay (U&C leader #16)
- Mitheralmace (U&C RSBan #2)
- Darkzero2o5 (U&C RSBan #6)

28-Jan-2013 20:02:22 - Last edited on 28-Jan-2013 22:02:49 by Matt0708



Posts: 76,950 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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28-Jan-2013 20:03:35 - Last edited on 28-Jan-2013 22:04:05 by Matt0708



Posts: 76,950 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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28-Jan-2013 20:03:42 - Last edited on 28-Jan-2013 22:04:32 by Matt0708



Posts: 76,950 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~Past news*

7/02- WOF accepts the CT war.

7/06- The Uprising declares war on Death shredders.
-The white legion declares on Phoenix legends.
-Warriors of fury Defeats Clan terror.
-Stronghold Legends declares on Glory of Saradomin. GOS Declines.
-Spirit Reapers declare war on RS**** Accepts.

7/07- TU Declare On CT.

7/08- RS defeats SR.

7/09- The RSB clan tournament is created

7/10- CR Mass declaires on the Top ten clans in the F2p and P2p Rankings.
-Fury of the storm declares on fate for the first spot in f2p rankings
-Crimson Raiders Declares on Death Shredders, They decline
-Crimson Raiders Declares on Dynasty, They decline as well.
-TIG declares on Spirit Warriors, SW accepts

7/11- Dynasty declares on ** for their rank

7/13- Imperial Glory Defeats Relentless Souls.
-Darkguard87 Remakes The Foundation.
-SW declares on Fort major

7/14- CR declares on Divinity and Clan Terror.
-The Infested Guard declares on CR. They Accept.
-F(c)M accepts war with SW

7/15- Union for clans, United coalition, and Runescape world alliance merges to form The champions alliance

7/16- IG accepts war with DY

7/17- TIG pulls out of ladder and war with CR
-Divinity declares on Australian army, AA declines

7/18- RS and TIG merge
-Fate accepts the war with FOTS

7/19- Legends of Glory declares on Legion of Lucifer, LOL accepts
-DS surrenders to TU
-The RSB leadership academy reopens
-TUA disbands

7/20- The RSB Lounge opens after encouragment from RS
-Darkness declares on TCA

7/21- LOL pulls out of war with LOG
-TU disbands R.I.P.
-Crimson Raiders mass declares

7/22- RS declares on New Age Assassins, NAA declines
-RS declares on DY, DY declines
-CT declares on DY for rank about 1min later
-LOL disbands R.I.P.

7/23- WDW beats CK
-Behemoth army declares on DS
-Stronghold legends disbands R.I.P.

7/24- SW declares on Inferno Angels
-CR declared on TWL

28-Jan-2013 20:03:49 - Last edited on 28-Jan-2013 22:05:12 by Matt0708



Posts: 76,950 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~Past news continued~

7/24-CT declares on TRS

7/25-CP declares on TCA
-LOG declares on No Mercy
-The Lounge gets an interview thread

7/26-Corrupted souls declares on church of saradomin
-Church of all gods declares on CS and RS
-IG declares on Divine Retribution

7/28-The RSB clan tournament gets under way
-AA mass declares on all 90-95+ clans

7/29-Crimson forces declares on SW
-CT mass declares
-RS declares on 99th mafia family

7/30-TCA accepts the CP war, but the terms starts another debate
-Runepiruclan declares on Dumbledore's Army
-CF mass declares

8/3-CF declares on Army of Camalot, AOC accepts
-The Order is re-made
-D K O E's RSB rankings is formed

8/6-Clan chat comes out to help clans, but the update floods the forums, killing off many useful threads, then silences them.

8/15-WOF declares on The Malafia

8/18-KO declares on IS

9/2-New Lounge thread made by Ben*92

9/16-RSB Halloween party is created by Mitheralmace, Dm2, and Gecko987

9/24-PL defends their rank against K0 after K0 was DQed

10/8-Rebel Review Created as the Alternative News Source in the RSB.
-RSB Polls are made by Runi103

10/10-Spirit Warriors declare on Skull Raiders for Number 1 spot on division 2 P2P Ladder Rankings

12/10-Wild update made, RIP warring as we used to know

28-Jan-2013 20:04:13 - Last edited on 28-Jan-2013 22:08:28 by Matt0708



Posts: 76,950 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~Past news 08~

4/26-TFE defeats Rage

4/28-The Alliance (Now The Alliance of RSB) declares a rematch on the Doom Alliance

5/10-TA defeats DA

5/12-Elite Vengeance and Aussie Legends schedule war.

5/17-Elite Vengeance defeats Aussie Legends
-TA declares on The Phoenix Alliance
-Sir Chall opens the RSB Referees Guild

6/9- Elite Vengeance declares on The Sith Legends. TSL declines.
-Rage disbands. R.I.P.

7/22- God Justice1 loses my vote for prime minister after taking the 2000th post on the last Lounge thread after I said NOT to post. O_o

~Past news 09~

4/29- Matt0708 takes ownership of the Lounge back.
-Ben*92 retires from SW after a long run.

4/30- RSB Bulletin awards are announced.

5/2- BBL defeats DU
-EXI deats TFE
-BR defeats EW

7/20- After over two months of...Nothing really, Matt0708 has finally semi-updated rankings! Now talk damn you.

7/21- Revenge suddenly shuts down.

28-Jan-2013 20:05:08 - Last edited on 28-Jan-2013 22:10:08 by Matt0708



Posts: 76,950 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~Old Lounge Logos~

..../.....\.|..................... THE RSB LOUNGE .....................|./.....\....
...................................A Ben*92 Original ©..................................

..../.....\.|..................... THE RSB LOUNGE .................................|./.....\....
...................................A Ben*92 Original ©..............................................

28-Jan-2013 20:05:16 - Last edited on 28-Jan-2013 22:12:55 by Matt0708

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