Terms, Definitions, & Clarifications
- In this community, a
is defined as a large aggregate of people united by a common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular region or territory; and possessing a structured or loose system of governance that is driven by a common or popular objective. A nation must have at least five active citizens in order to be considered for entry into the community.
- Clarification: For purposes of role-play, a single person will act as a representation of one thousand people of a nation.
Territorial, Theme-based (TT)
is a specific categorization term used to set us apart from other types of clans and communities. It is mainly used when referring to or describing our community, including the nations and entities within, and the methods used to alter their gameplay and experience. More information on the front page.
- An
will be defined as one account used by a single person.
- A
, or
will be defined as a group of two or more individuals, having sworn loyalty to a nation and sharing in a common household-family name.
cannot annex territory. However, nations may offer land to its citizens, if the land that the citizens wish to own is situated within the borders of that nation.
- A
is an immediate neighbouring region (gridsquare; gs) that directly corresponds to, or is adjacent to a given region
will be used as the general term for a hamlet, village or town. Settlements can be established anywhere, except for on water. (A nation may establish a settlement for every five citizens. For example: a nation with twenty-five members, (or 25,000 citizens), may establish five settlements.)
We find ourselves at the end of our amusements.
04-Jun-2016 20:53:11