Nice guide legolas; I'm glad you didn't let the "We're-the-Best" guys influence your decision of continuing this guide. It was a nice atmosphere untill I read the garbage that was flamed towards you.
I know they posted several days ago but I felt like commenting towards them (not you).
This is a game. If we all did everything to the maximum efficiency, how would we be enjoying the treadmilling experience? There would only ever be one guide per skill/minigame, etc. This guide offers a different method and that's it.
It's a good guide and it's too bad others are forgetting the definition of "Guide."
side note - The big cheese in rcing made me laugh when he talked about wasting his time. I don't see how 5 minutes matters much when you play all day everyday. "z0mgz0rz I g2 click swftly & make evry click count!!! othrwse Ill gt 5.54363463 min less in the day for eating!!! arrrghhh...I take ths 2 srsly. Did I go 2 the bthroom yet?...I cant membr >.<"
13-May-2009 02:17:37
- Last edited on
13-May-2009 02:50:52