@Councils, I doubt many people here would be capable of testing that as this thread is for the opposite of your account. :p I'm sure if someone happens to test it out here, they'll let you know.
Blackston is a Naabe.
i just did part of mournings end pt1 to get full mourner outfit and fixed device.
can't beat the quest though because of the hp xp reward... and the fixed device is is bugged atm.. you hold it weird
hmmm.. Zogre Flesh Eaters it says min hp, would this still be true?
& woot woot i got the 2nd black hat
Fear the almighty
Woo Lord
26-Dec-2012 04:26:26
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26-Dec-2012 19:45:40
I fought the demon from demon slayer on a f2p account and i believe i didn't get any xp.
its probably because of how you get xp for killing a monster... and how he dies from saying a incantation, not actually killing him.
hope this works. i want to get darklight.. then hellcat ftw!
i just tested it again on another f2p account. NO XP GAINED AT ALL
Done, time for shadow of the storm
ohh and be careful when the cut-scene happens 1 wizard will attack you out of nowhere make sure auto retaliate is off lol. all you got to do is walk out of the scene and back in for him to stop attacking you. after that your free to own the demon.
Shadow of the storm-
i made it to the end of this quest and i was recoiling Agrith Naar. he's pretty easy now... but when i got him to where he was about to die... he didn't and the fight would just never end. (i was using asa also)
I think you have to do the finishing blow with silverlight. so I'm wondering, would i get xp if i attacked and killed him?
...& im starting to think more and more that ratcatchers might not give that 14 hp xp anymore.
I'd hate to say it... but EOC actually opened up some quests for me
Fear the almighty
Woo Lord
27-Dec-2012 08:38:04
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27-Dec-2012 10:49:01
Ogre flesh eaters doesnt seem possible. the lvl 52 zombie from searching the skeleton isn't able to be recoiled in time. it dissapears after 5 minutes and i'm barely able to recoil to half in that time.
200m hp Exp / Frost Fox
Is that with the use of ASA? Since none of the guides seem to be updated I can't be sure as to how much Hp this thing has, but seeing as how ASA can hit upwards of 600s that would surely help a ton. Note to self, retry The Slug Menace with ASA.
Blackston is a Naabe.
i'm testing death to dorg on a trial account. but im having problems with getting into the ham place lol!
... it seems the ham guards attack anyone thats a lower level then them... even if they have full ham on
Fear the almighty
Woo Lord