Hi there. I recently had an issue in RS with the Aftermath quest (there is another post all about that), which took nearly two months to be resolved. I decided to review what miniquests I need to complete, and it's showing ones that I am
I've already completed. It appears that my miniquest log (I'm viewing it under the Lore tab in Achievements) is not at all accurate. As a belt-and-suspenders to be certain I've completed the ones I'm sure I've done, I attempted to start them and the avatars just look at me like I'm an idiot because yep, I've already completed the miniquest.
Is there anyone out there in JagexLand that can fix this for me or look into why it's all haywire?!
Please help me resolve this
(and I would very deeply appreciate it if it doesn't take two months this time around).
If I need to post this in another forum, please let me know, and if it's a bug report that needs to be submitted, I'll gladly do that.
Indeed it does sound like you will need to submit a bug report in-game, as this is outside the scope of community assistance. Unfortunately the duration at which the fix may take is not something that can be calculated or guaranteed, it will simply take as long as it takes.
Nonetheless, submit a bug report (the instructions of which can be found on the
Report a bug
Support page) as soon as you can, and hopefully you will not be waiting too long for a resolution.
Interestingly, it seems to have resolved itself. Believe me, I'm happy about that, but how odd!! I guess my account somehow got a case of the miniquest hiccups.
So, the situation is no longer a situation, and if it crops up again I'll definitely submit a bug report.