I apologize if this thread is in the wrong forum area, I did try my best to choose the correct area!
I was just hoping to find some guidance from more experienced players!
I'm a returning player to Runescape 3 and I've never ever made it to high end content/skills, and maybe close to mid end. Never even touched Prif and I have kept myself blind and not spoiled myself to what Prif looks like, except knowing it's an elf city. I can't wait to get there someday.
But for now, guidance!
Do you know of any popular RS3 youtubers with guides to skilling and helping you out choose the right path to leveling these skills. I'm just aimlessly running all over the place and probably not yielding a lot of experience and I want to reach the best possible XP I can per hour for my skills levels. So, guides would really help me out.
I'm just seeing a whole lot of guides from like 2020, or 2021, and I don't know if those are accurate anymore or not! But, if they're still accurate, let me know! Those guides look wonderful!
Also one more thing, quests.
Should I follow quests by timeline, quests by release date?
Or is there a method to leveling your account by a set order of quests?
If there's any sort of quest by order guide, that would be marvelous!
18-Sep-2022 02:53:33