This is a very nice thread; while indeed its less drops; its a much easier experience, you can just hop in and do public instances all day.
I have the issues you mentioned with 4 man; its a compromise for an hour and a bit more, since, if you leave, you just ruined everyones game, likewise, if someone else leaves, its time to waste aura timer while another person comes up.
I have had some really sweet public instances recently i had a 6 man instances; everyone was getting over 200 points per kill and it was so easy to correct mistakes when someone lost their resources or forgot to poison its node.
While i do think public instances started as a cancer specially first day with 30 people in an instance; they are in a much better place and the ability to continually do it over and over while people join and leave without having to get into a FC to group up or having to coordinate schedules with people to ensure you will play your full hour.
Public is my way to go when i wanna do something light and meaningful, but dont really wanna do AFK skilling for scraps.
Nicely written!
12-Oct-2021 15:21:35