Amazing thread, I have got a question. Im level 75 Ranged at the moment, and I want 99. I have decided to chin and I am just wondering on how much you think I would need for pots and chins. my exp is 1,226,000. Again great guide!
Great guide!
How much faster exp per hour is chinning at ape atoll than mummies? How much will I save chinning mummies from 86-99? And it would be great if you could tell me how many charms I will get chinning mummies. Are Nechryaels any good?
Sorry for all the questions.
I've got a few suggestions I believe might help.
I might've missed these suggestions but still :p
Anyways, I don't see anything about Summoning Monsters. I personally prefer War Torttoises full of Prayer potions. I normally stay twice as long, and all I have to bring is either a Summoning Potion and two backup tortoises (of course depending on your Summoning Level!). Either that or a Bunyip. I don't recommend Terrorbirds as they die waay to easily.
Second, I found that an Enhanced Excalibur is awesome to use.
It's healing effect heals 20hp in 20 seconds (4hp every 5 seconds)with a full special bar, (not like your going to use Special Attack in there anyways :p) With this I usually don't have to bring a Super Antipoison with me for those pesky spiders!
Thirdly, Oo'glog Pools! After you finish the quest As a First Resort quest, you have access to the Oo'glog Pools. Which ones will definitely help you? Let's see.
-The Sulphur Pool restores prayer and boosts prayer level 10-15%, which means you can last a few seconds longer.
-The Salt Water Spring temporarily gives unlimited running energy for a period of time depending on your Agility Level. Lol, it can help you reach to your training spot quicker, or if you don't have a Monkey Greegree, saves you valuable HP being attacked. (My Favorite!)
-The Thermal Bath heals you back to full health as well as 15-20% above the maximum HP. Lol, it'll save you a few sharks if your running to your training spot or being attacked by the falling rocks.
Well that's all of my suggestions. I hope I somehow helped. Lol, very very nice guide though! Love it! <3