I need an Iron spear for completionship. But you have to complete to smith. Unable to find any other source available to me on wiki to complete this quest.
This is an issue that many irons are flummoxed by as they gather the required items for Tai bwo wannai trio. The solution exists and is pretty straightforward though.
Go to the champion's guild via Varrock lodestone or combat bracelet. Upstairs on the first floor, Scavvo's rune shop sells a Rune spear.
Hey so I've done everything to the last brother Tiadeche I didn't use the crafting manual on him but instead just talked to him he yoinked the crafting manual and now he wont come back to the village to complete the quest. I've tried going back to his other brothers to do the previous steps and just says nothing interesting happens. Any help would be appreciated and just in-case I'm dumb this is for the OSRS quest sorry if I'm in the wrong place ty again have a great day!!!!!!!!