There is something you didn't mention on this thread, and that is ALT Codes don't work on the Windows Vista Operating System.
I have tested this with 2 computer's, one Windows Home Premium, and the other Vista.
Hope you add this.
There is something you didn't mention on this thread, and that is ALT Codes don't work on the Windows Vista Operating System.
I have tested this with 2 computer's, one Windows Home Premium, and the other Vista.
Hope you add this.
wont work on my laptop with vista, works on my desktop which is ms XP.
I have a laptop with windows vista and it works perfectly fine, you need to make sure you are using the number lock and the fn key at the bottom left of the keyboard. Also make sure you are running runescape through a internet browser or the runescape client. We can work out any other problems that you might be having.
../¥\. Quirk X ./¥\
the heart alt code doesn't work ingame or on the forums but you can use <3 that is < then 3. But if you want to know the code for other uses it is 3.
../¥\. Quirk X ./¥\
Quirk X, I was in clan chat last nite and you talked me about your guide. Thanks!!!! I am using it right now at work and is helping me a lot. I am working with some stuff and I needed some alt codes and your guide is fantastic.