Looking for Clan Founders? V3
The aim of this thread is to help you find other founders in order to sign the clan charter to create a
brand new RuneScape 3 clan
with the Scribe at the Clan Camp.
Thread Rules:
Please follow
of the thread rules.
This thread is
This thread is
This thread is
This thread is
This thread is
This thread is
This thread is
Please edit all of your posts when you have created your clan.
to be used to find new clan members.
This thread is
to be used to find an existing clan to join.
This thread is
to be used to advertise an existing clan.
This thread is
to be used to fill positions in an existing clan.
This thread is
to be used to rebuild or grow an existing clan.
This thread is
to be used to start or grow a friends chat.
This thread is
to be used for OSRS clans.
Please edit all of your posts when you have created your clan.
Founding Template:
If you’re making a post in order to look for founders, use the template below.
Number of Founders needed:
(Please edit this number so others know how many founders are still needed)
Potential Clan Name:
(If you have decided upon a name write it here. If not, write N/A)
Type of Clan:
PvM / Skilling / PvP / Social / Community / Roleplaying / Questing / Minigames / D&D / Ironman (Pick as many that apply)
Specific Information:
(If you are looking for specific type of founders example: same or similar timezone / specific type of players / total level requirement / P2P / F2P etc)
Additional Information:
(You can provide additional information you feel others may need or like to know here)
Best of luck!
Community Management
Community Manager for Jagex
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06-May-2020 23:51:11 - Last edited on 28-May-2020 22:35:11 by CM Nick