Edit: A bug currently exists where clans currently can't be created due to a bug with clan charters. While we only need one more founder currently, more people are welcome to express interest in helping out until the bug gets fixed and we can make our clan
Number of Founders needed:
I'm looking for
at least
one other founders
, as I already know someone looking to help out
Potential Clan Name:
While I do have a couple in mind, I am open to suggestions to see what others may like
Type of Clan:
Social/community focused
, a place where we're open to just about everyone to get together and enjoy the various aspects of the game
Specific Information:
No specific requirements or anything like that, though membership is highly preferred. I'm looking for just about anyone who is willing to help lead the clan and make something great for the members we recruit
Additional Information:
I personally have previous experience with leading clans, and can easily manage aspects such as ranking and the clan citadel and ranking within the clan. The other founder is also willing to help with running and founding events for the clan
We're getting a Discord server set up for the clan, and anyone interested in helping found the clan can drop by to express interest with the invite code
. Either
[with zeroes] can be contacted ingame, and I can also be contacted via Discord under Umbreon#3498
22-May-2020 12:19:03
- Last edited on
26-May-2020 09:30:29