Number of Founders needed: 2 (all will be given officer roles and higher if a leadership role is desired.)
Potential Clan Name: Not decided yet, would love to hear your suggestions!
Type of Clan: PvM / Skilling / Social / Questing / Minigames / D&D / Ironman
Specific Information: Looking for all players F2P & P2P, new and returning players alike! There will be no skill requirement to join. My hours are late PST but all timezones are welcome. I am returning after a long break from RS3, I played several years of Oldschool runescape and now its time for me to get back into RS3 and meet some awesome peopl!
Let me know if you are interested in building an epic clan!
- Abzanos (feel free to message me ingame)
10-Jun-2020 03:13:08
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10-Jun-2020 18:47:46
Looking for LGBT+ allies or people. Looking for those who enjoy PvM, skilling and questing and want to create a great, fun community on RS3.
Additional Information:
I play quite often since I work remotely, and can be seen online a lot. Simply add me in-game or on Discord. I'm looking for LGBT+ people and allies because I just get along with people better when they understand the struggle, especially being a trans girl.
Type of Clan: PvM / Skilling / Social / Questing / Minigames / D&D / Ironman
Specific Information: Looking for players returning to the game and new player alike. it would be nice to see people who are interested in founding a fun enviorment for all types of players to grow and learn together.
Additional Information: PM me in game discord- Varcoe#2424
21-Jun-2020 18:35:41
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21-Jun-2020 18:42:16