I take inspiration from Clans such as Gainztrain, EE, and Hola Amigos, with a slightly more chill touch. I love sweaty grinds or screwing around in-game, but I understand most people playing work full time or have school full time.
As a Founder
So long as you are able to maintain a reasonable activity threshold, and, some form of active contribution and involvement, that is what really matters.
With the release of the 120 All Skills cape, that is my current goal along with eventually some 200m stats and comp. As such,
I'd prefer Founders who are on similar grinds
, but I don't have any hard requirements to be a Founder.
I only care about issues that reflect poorly on the clan itself and invites outside scrutiny or drama. I do not care about what you choose to do personally, and I don't care for censorship of topics, even controversial ones, so long as things are kept civil or within reason. I'm also not looking to create the next big 500~ person clan. I don't have a specific limit, but I know from experience 10 exceptional members get better returns then 40 faces.
I would like for Founders to reflect this ideology.
I have a name and a ranking system
, but I am otherwise flexible.
Lastly, Slayer and Dueling competitions would be cool, (used to and still enjoy PvP). However, while it might be nice eventually, the focal point I have for the clan isn't PvM outside of Croesus and otherwise some casual or meme bossing.
I'd really like to do this right, so I'm not in a rush. If you’re interested, please reach out in-game or better yet via Discord: Shamk#3722