Number of Founders needed: 4
Potential Clan Name: Noxious Wrath
Type of Clan: PvM / Skilling / PvP / Social / Community / Roleplaying / Questing / Minigames / D&D / Ironman
Specific Information: I am an INFJ (meyers brigs MBTI) and will conduct myself as such, reaching for greater things and new ways to stand out on a clan level, such as ever more diverse ways to use the new mechanics and areas of the game (gwd2 minions for tons and tons of xp thats not on google or wiki). Not a glitch crew in any way but rather an efficiency and overlooked options crew. Maybe even change the face of runescape from the individually centric clan dreaming way of grind life to a more cooperative pooling of untapped resources
Additional Information: For the record, as of this post it will be next dxpw that I will assume a spot on Runeclans individual high scores in 24 hours with over 200m xp. I wanted and tried to get a clan to do something with me at the same time, but they didnt. so I will be doing this solo but will look great on a clan leaders chest
The will of the people needs to change. We need to decide we want more.
31-May-2022 21:32:53