Specific Information: No specific requirements, just be friendly and active!
Additional Information: Looking for people who have decent knowledge of the game as to help guide other clan mates and people who are willing to help run events on occasion as well as have discord. Feel free to PM me in game!
Specific Information: Hey there Altan here, just thought I’d throw the idea at a wall and see if it stuck, really wanted a “Bar/Cafe” themed clan
just a nice little home away from home for lost souls, if ya think it’s cute shoot me a PM,
If you think it’s horrible then also shoot me a PM
talking with strangers is like the most MMO thing you can do!
Im interested in running a clan. I have been a member 10 going on 15 years of runescape. Normally I play OSRS, but have been getting into RS3. I have ran a few different clans from time to time over my tenure but would like to become active again. If there is a spot available I am interested!