Astral Turtles
We are Astral Turtles!
I will try and make this as short and sweet as possible.
Astral Turtles is a family. We look out for each other. We aim to grow at a steady pace which allows you to get to know eachother instead of having to meet a new person every 2 minutes.
We have an active clan chat, discord, and offer a wide variety of events to offer to our clannies, meaning there is something for everyone! We do things like PvM, skilling, minigames, questing, all while enjoying great company in clan chat.

. We are a friendly, no requirement social clan, so your game progression doesn't matter to us, as long as you're active and friendly.
Events and capping are not mandatory, but appreciated

If you would like to join, join our clan chat or Discord as a guest to arrange an invite, or PM one of our contact points in game. We always keep our PM's on!
Contact points :
Astral Dom -/- Rokudaiiime
TitsNBeer -/- Lord Scuberz
Clan Information:
• Clan Chat: Astral Turtles
• Home world: 88
• Clan Time: GMT / EST - Events are made to suit most time zones!
• Citadel: Tier 7 - Maxed citadel with Dragon
• Voice Chat: Discord - discord.gg/astralturtles
• Requirements: None
• Thanks to clan updates everyone has a permanent 3% xp buff which can be increased up to 6%!
Click here for our recruitment thread!