Are you joining as PvM or Skiller? PvM
Total level? 2218
PvM Experience? (Nex/KK/Vorago/Rots) Next to none, none of my friends will take me :L
Which Tier 90 Weapons set(s) do you own? Drygores
Your location and/or timezone? West Coast USA
Do you have/are willing to download and use Teamspeak? I already do use it!
(NOTE: Teamspeak is not Mandatory, but preffered during PvM events)
Referral, if any? Nope
Swag Swag like Caillou
Are you joining as PvM or Skiller? PvM
Total level? 2218
PvM Experience? (Nex/KK/Vorago/Rots) Next to none, none of my friends will take me :L
Which Tier 90 Weapons set(s) do you own? Drygores
Your location and/or timezone? West Coast USA
Do you have/are willing to download and use Teamspeak? I already do use it!
(NOTE: Teamspeak is not Mandatory, but preffered during PvM events)
Referral, if any? Nope
Thanks for application, will pass you on to a staff member, please be patient, your application should be looked at shortly.