Will you be active within our clan?---Yes
Will you respect everyone?---Of course
Have you read *all* of our rules?---Orange
Why do you wish to join our ranks?---Because you guys seem for me one of the best clans out there that its more central in having a good time
How did you find out about us? if you were recruited by who?---I founded out you guys via the clan diccionary i read a lot of the clans bio and like your bio
What is your favorite event/minigame?i havent played any because i just started playing after a long time without playing rs and i started playing again
Out of all the rules which do you feel is most important?---For me there are two important rules the numer 2 and the 6
Are you aware that there is zero tolerance for offensive names in LODJ?---Yep
Which branch are you applying for? RS3, OSRS, Both?--- im applying for OSRS
07-Dec-2018 18:46:55