Leta wants in? Oh yay! How wonderful! Do let her O Nice Chrisso Man, do please! Pretty please!
(If you haven't already that is,
Well, I've got to say, I'm surprised it's proving such a big job to fix it, but at least they're working on it. If you've not seen it yet by the way, Chrisso's got a sticky on the problems in the 'Website and Forums' forum.
AKA: Arbr**** Vie
Please also remove the filter from our siggies Jagex!
*turns around and looks at new stranger (Leta)* *stuffs all the pancakes in mouth and speaks with mouth full* rawraweouhruhruh *swallows* There's no more pancakes left I'm afraid!
*stretches hand out*
Hi, I'm Elf. The meanest pancake mixer in da house (yo!). Why am I the meanest? Cause I whip the cream and beat the eggs (the hardest).
Oi! Chief Elf! I made those for Leta as a welcome to the Pancake House! Now go and be mean to that cream and those eggs again, and make her some more!
AKA: Arbr**** Vie
Please also remove the filter from our siggies Jagex!