Hey everyone! Heard about this fc from Hati Wolfy, and i was looking to see if i could join, because he said it gets like "shutdown" to ranks only....could i possibly get like a smiley or somding of that sorts Mod Chrisso, in case that happens?
"I do not know what ammo I need for my range weapon"
What weapon are you using? I don't really think the ammo requirements have changed much in EoC. Crossbows still use bolts (up to the same level as before), bows take arrows, you wield thrown weapons like javelins or knives separately, etc.
Best thing about the zaryte is that it generates its own ammunition so no arrows are needed. And it lasts forever -- 60,000 shots not counting abilities lol. Well worth it! :p
Oh wow lol. Wasn't aware of that. I never followed crossbows that closely.
Nice thing about ranged combat now, though, is that abilities don't use ammunition. So even if you wanted to use onyx/dragonstone bolts, you would use relatively few of them provided you use your abilities a lot. Get a zaryte and you won't have to worry about it, tho. :p
Also armadyl xbows are only around 9m now. Good time to pick one up relatively cheap.
"lol only 9 mill. I will stick with my magic shortbow thanks."
I know! Accomplishes operates on a different financial plane from the likes of you and me Sookie, lol.
Life of Pi,
Hi, and welcome to the thread! Hope to meet you in FC sometime. I'm not sure if it's open or not right now, but keep trying anyway.
AKA: Arbr**** Vie
Please also remove the filter from our siggies Jagex!