So I came across
this huge wall of text in the forums
and I started to
about all the things I could do in-game with a huge wall of
that the first thing I would need is my own giant
wall of te
so that I can test out its functionality and usability. The contents of
wall are not as important as the actual structure of the wall.
If it
is incorrectly built, it may not have the structural integrity needed to
withstand any troll attacks. It should also have some kind of anti-fire
protection to prevent it
from burning sho
uld it be flamed. As well, the
wall, if possible, should be co
d in a perfect rectangle. This is
commonly known as the 's
kyscraper' type
of wall. It is not as wide as
some kinds of walls, but
it can be built hig
her than other walls due to
it's thin, and structured
nature, resemblin
g an actual city skyscraper.
After a wall is built, it nee
ds some colo
ring, to distinguish it from the
rest of the walls. Just like a p
ck uses its bright colors to
other peacocks, using color on your wall
will make it more att
I chose a picture of a
beach sunset on M
udSkipper Point for m
y wall.
Now I all I need to do
is to find a use for m
y wall of text in the game.
And, I think I have the perf
ect in game use, for my huge wall of text.