Dear Moderator Chrisso,
It has come to my attention that players in our beloved friends chat have become corrupt. Now, due to the forum rules and my ethical code of practice - I shall not name these players, but I do trust you know who I am speaking of.
For too long, have I withheld the fact that we have actual gold farmers in our friends chat. These gold farmers are trusted friends and I cannot keep it inside me anylonger, I have sent several reports in of these people - but I think they went under the radar or were never received.
After speaking with one of the gold farmers on skype, who we shall name BORIS. He threatened to poison my liver and steal my kidneys if I was to report him. This BORIS needs to be demoderated, deranked and also banned from the Pancake House and destroy his nihilistic reign of evil terror and rule breaking.
A particular image has also come to my attention, of BORIS advertising gold farming websites in 07 scape and this matter should also be dealt with instantly.
Thank you for your cooperation Moderator Chrisso and I look forward to Boris being kicked out of our chat and replaced with someone more appropriate, such as laurenf or femilyf.
Thank you.
18-Mar-2013 07:15:16