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omg, I am a very naughty boy
Yes, yes you are.
Sookie likes them naughty
Oh lala
14-Mar-2013 05:25:18
- Last edited on
14-Mar-2013 05:25:44
Hawt Mudkipz
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21, you're incorrigible! Is there no controlling your wildness?
And I was wondering who that 'ftreelaidf' was in fc, now you're my number one suspect!
Yes, I am level 3 in OS, and enjoying the challenge of getting around most places by foot and dodging highwaymen. I'm assuming Xe is already expert at dodging highwaymen and may be able to give me a few tips. Like, I wondered if I bat my eyelashes at them, if they'll let me pass unharmed, but I'm not sure whether Xe's considered trying that one. I guess if all else fails, there's always the 'use pancake with highwayman' option.
Oh, and if we're not allowed to post different content twice in a row on the same thread, I'm in big trouble!
No, this was not me the obvious suspect is Sookie Lala.
Okay good I will double post, unlike on Manga Fox where I got 2 infraction points for double posting.
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If people continue to disobey the forum rules and continue spamming up the Pancake House Official Friends Chat... I will have to hand out "Forum Mutes" and also "Forum Bans".