*Total Level: 525 but I am dedicated to developing my account, I have the gold premier package which I believe shows that I am going to be dedicating a large amount of time to this account and will probably be 1000 total in no time!
*Name of Other Accounts: None on RS3 but I played old school for a while and have 1750 total on there
* How did you find out about us?: Forums
* What is your goal in joining us?: Developing my Ironman, finding out good methods of developing an ironman, and surrounding myself with people who are also on the same challenge as me to make the experience even more fun!
* Anything you'd like us to know about you?: I'm just a college student from California that loves playing Runescape!
* Do you have any questions about our rules, requirements, or the Citadel?: No, I have read everything carefully and agree to all rules.
18-Jan-2018 18:51:39