RSN: F0rg0t n4m3
MERCHING EXPERIENCE: I've been merching from 2008 i can flip everything
BANK VALUE: Just 20m spended many time on training.
HOW OFTEN ARE YOU ON RS: like 5- 6 hours a day in weekend prolly 8-9
RSN: Surg
MERCHING EXPERIENCE: 2 years of flipping items. Made 70mil doing this, but would like to become better at flipping and investing into the GE!
HOW OFTEN ARE YOU ON RS: Usually 3+hrs/day during the weekdays and 5+hrs/day on the weekends!
RSN: PvMJoseph
MERCHING EXPERIENCE: Not much. I have started merching a while ago and since have gained a couple million.
BANK VALUE: 41 million
HOW OFTEN ARE YOU ON RS: Usually 5+ hours.
MERCHING EXPERIENCE: Been merching for about 3 months now (Ever since I rejoined runescape after a break) I have experience in flipping bandos and subjugation items. I also stock up on blood runes when they rise then sell in bulk. I had about 40m that I used for merching but my friend took some for himself from my account.
HOW OFTEN ARE YOU ON RS: Anywhere from 3-8 hours a day sometimes 10 hours.
RSN: BuckodaboII
MERCHING EXPERIENCE: 2 years here and there. Been playing since 2002 though so I know quite a bit about the rs economy.
BANK VALUE: 49m cash stack.
HOW OFTEN ARE YOU ON RS: 4-5 hours a day
RSN: ahumpy
MERCHING EXPERIENCE: know everything about flipping
BANK VALUE: 55m, 50m cash stack ready to go
HOW OFTEN ARE YOU ON RS: All the time, finished college so i can merch 14 hours a day.
Bury Ur Dead
merching last 3 months
got 350m on me right now
on rs every morning for a lil and every night 3 or 4 hours and sometimes during work hours and all weekend