Runescape name:Mr Crowley07
1. Total wealth?35mish
2. Merchanting Experience?Was in a merch clan for a bit before i quit
3. How many hours/day do you play?3-6
4. Are you willing to Participate in the clan at least 1 hr per day?yes
5. Why are you joining the clan?money
6. Will you obey the rules?yes
7. Will you add KoRuPTw33Ty to your friends?yes
Runescape name:
iThread Bare
1. Total wealth?
2. Merchanting Experience?
Merched before in a clan...But was scammed.
3. How many hours/day do you play?
Hell of a lot...
4. Are you willing to Participate in the clan at least 1 hr per day?
5. Why are you joining the clan?
I want to become Rich, Powerful and help other in gaining money. Money makes runescape go round...
6. Will you obey the rules?
7. Will you add KoRuPTw33Ty to your friends?
1. my total wealthis about 150m including items
2. ive been merching about a year now.
3.i play about 2 and a half hours a day
4. yes i can play an hour... i can play longer to. joining so i can save for a partyhat and to bring my knowledge into a legit looking clan.
6. yes i will obey all rules.
7.yea ill keeep him on my friends list.
1. Total wealth? 6m
2. Merchanting Experience? A little, want to become better
3. How many hours/day do you play? 1-3 hours a day
4. Are you willing to Participate in the clan at least 1 hr per day? probably
5. Why are you joining the clan? To become a better mercher and to make friends
6. Will you obey the rules? yes
7. Will you add KoRuPTw33Ty to your friends? of course, thats why im joining
thank you
Runescape name: P3rplex
1. Total wealth? not much cash but about 13-14m in items.
2. Merchanting Experience? None
3. How many hours/day do you play? 2-4 on weekdays and 5-6 on weekends.
4. Are you willing to Participate in the clan at least 1 hr per day? Yes
5. Why are you joining the clan? I was invited.
6. Will you obey the rules? Yes
7. Will you add KoRuPTw33Ty to your friends? Yes
12-Mar-2011 23:46:21
- Last edited on
12-Mar-2011 23:49:13
1. Total wealth? 100m
2. Merchanting Experience? a lot
3. How many hours/day do you play? 5
4. Are you willing to Participate in the clan at least 1 hr per day? yes
5. Why are you joining the clan? never did clan merch before ive made over 100m solo merching but i want to try something new
6. Will you obey the rules? yes
7. Will you add KoRuPTw33Ty to your friends? yes
Pleease keep your PM to open so either KoRuPTw33Ty or a rank will pm you about the cc
1. Total wealth? 3M
2. Merchanting Experience? Been throught a few guide's, but haven't been in a clan before.
3. How many hours/day do you play? 4-10
4. Are you willing to Participate in the clan at least 1 hr per day? For easy GP, for sure.
5. Why are you joining the clan? To make some easy GP and make new friends.
6. Will you obey the rules? Yes
7. Will you add KoRuPTw33Ty to your friends? Will do.
Hey, i99range99i here... I sent in my application almost a week ago and still no reply! What's the deal here? Can someone please either accept or deny my application...? (preferrably accept)
1. Total wealth? erm around 30m and combat gear ect.
2. Merchanting Experience? some what
3. How many hours/day do you play? alot
4. Are you willing to Participate in the clan at least 1 hr per day? yes
5. Why are you joining the clan? i wana meet new people along with build my bank back.
6. Will you obey the rules? yes
7. Will you add KoRuPTw33Ty to your friends? just did