===================== Acceptance Notice ===================
( iplay-boy ) Congratulations! We have reviewed your application and you have been approved. Please join us in the cc EXTR MERCH the next time you are ready to get millions on rs.
Runescape name: Daniel4155
1. Total wealth? 9m in money (other in bank)
2. Merchanting Experience? a bit
3. How many hours/day do you play? 4 hours
4. Are you willing to Participate in the clan at least 1 hr per day? yes
5. Why are you joining the clan? to make money for me and my fellow clan members
6. Will you obey the rules? always
7. Will you add KoRuPTw33Ty to your friends? yes
28-Jun-2010 21:01:25
- Last edited on
28-Jun-2010 21:07:08
===================== Acceptance Notice ===================
( Daniel4155 ) Congratulations! We have reviewed your application and you have been approved. Please join us in the cc EXTR MERCH the next time you are ready to get millions on rs.
Runescape name: lm****hvg1
1. Total wealth? 17 mill
2. Merchanting Experience? 1 year solo merching from 1mill -17 mill
3. How many hours/day do you play? 3 hours
4. Are you willing to Participate in the clan at least 1 hr per day? yes
5. Why are you joining the clan? to invest lots of money so all my fallow clan members make money as well
6. Will you obey the rules? yes always
7. Will you add KoRuPTw33Ty to your friends? yes
==================== Acceptance Notice ===================
(Lm****hvg1) Congratulations! We have reviewed your application and you have been approved. Please join us in the cc EXTR MERCH the next time you are ready to get millions on rs.
Runescape name:Sho*toPinn
1. Total wealth? Just 1 mill D:
2. Merchanting Experience? Lots of random merch clans that didn't work
3. How many hours/day do you play? 4 hours
4. Are you willing to Participate in the clan at least 1 hr per day? yes
5. Why are you joining the clan? To make mills and contribute to others making mills ;D
6. Will you obey the rules? Yes
7. Will you add KoRuPTw33Ty to your friends? Yes
Runescape name:
1. Total wealth? 1M (I had 6M but lost most of it in a scam merch)
2. Merchanting Experience? Been merching since 2004
3. How many hours/day do you play? I play around 1-2 hours a day (sometimes more) ALTHOUGH I will be at my summer home for all of july without internet (meaning I wont be able to play) I hope that wont bar me from being part of this merch clan.
4. Are you willing to Participate in the clan at least 1 hr per day? Of course. I wil be in the clan chat whenever im online.
5. Why are you joining the clan? I want to make money and friends.
6. Will you obey the rules? Yes
7. Will you add KoRuPTw33Ty to your friends? Yes
==================== Acceptance Notice ===================
Congratulations! We have reviewed your application and you have been approved. Please join us in the cc EXTR MERCH the next time you are ready to get millions on rs.
Runescape name: ketan2006
1. Total wealth? around 200m/11bil
2. Merchanting Experience? 2 years solo
3. How many hours/day do you play? 1 hours
4. Are you willing to Participate in the clan at least 1 hr per day? yes
5. Why are you joining the clan? to make money for me and my fellow clan members
6. Will you obey the rules? always
7. Will you add KoRuPTw33Ty to your friends? yes
Congratulations! We have reviewed your application and you have been approved. Please join us in the cc EXTR MERCH the next time you are ready to get millions on rs.