Runescape name: mightymuffn
1. Total wealth? 65m cash
2. Merchanting Experience? some
3. How many hours/day do you play? every day normaly and alot of hours =]
4. Are you willing to Participate in the clan at least 1 hr per day? sure
5. Why are you joining the clan? make money and chat while standing around
6. Will you obey the rules? yes
7. Will you add KoRuPTw33Ty to your friends? sure
Runescape name: sm00th klll
1. Total wealth? 45m cash
2. Merchanting Experience? been in some merch clans
3. How many hours/day do you play? starting rs again
4. Are you willing to Participate in the clan at least 1 hr per day? sure
5. Why are you joining the clan? to make my money back
6. Will you obey the rules? yes
7. Will you add KoRuPTw33Ty to your friends? sure