Name (Full Display Name):
Nickname (What we should call you):
Combat Level:
Agility Level:
Thieving Level:
Herblore Level:
Timezone (Optional):
Eastern (Georgia)
What is our motto? (See Post 2!):
You can test our faith, but you can't take our pride.
Can you summarize our language policy? (See Post 8!):
You must be respectful to yourself and others while able to take responsibility for your own actions.
Name One Method of Earning Points (See Post 7!):
Capping at the Citadel.
We prefer that private chat is set to On. Can you do this?:
It's always open to all
Can you inform us if you have any concerns or issues?
I will, if I have any.
How'd you hear about us? (List any recruiters here!):
Pinwit is a friend of mine and he knew that I was looking for a clan.
Anything else you want to add:
Not really, other than the fact of my agility and thieving levels are one, because this is a new account and I'm trying to get all of my stats to 60+ at the moment. Also my favorite colour is purple