Student(s): Deebug96, Dragoon_Wind, Ice Goblin66, Rogue Link, i am algea, and FrenzyChaos
Activity: Pinwit's 99 HP Party
Activity's Rank: C
Duration: N/A
Supervised by: Jen, Tanner, and Wit.
Points Awarded: 4 points awarded to Deebug96, Dragoon_Wind, Ice Goblin66, Rogue Link, i am algea, and FrenzyChaos for Pinwit's 99 HP Party, supervised by Jen, Tanner, and Wit.
==Exam Report==
Student Who Took Exam: Ice Goblin66
Exam Type: Wind, Silver Star
Student's Agility Level: 67
Student's Thieving Level: 68
Student's Herblore Level: 67
Points Requirement Met? (Y/N): Yes
Supervised by: Jen
==Mission Report==
Student(s): FinnTehGamar, Deebug96, Ice Goblin66, Kevin Pruess, Zeck683, QuickScape, Werle, and i am algea.
Activity: Herblore Mania; Kajiroku Event
Activity's Rank: C
Duration: N/A
Supervised by: Jen, Jake, Dilly, Bloo, and Wit
Points Awarded:
4 points
awarded to Kevin Pruess, Werle and i am algea for Herblore Mania; Kajiroku Event, supervised by Jen, Jake, Dilly, Bloo and Wit.
8 points
awarded to Dee, Zeck, and Finn for Herblore Mania; Kajiroku Event, supervised by Jen, Jake, Dilly, Bloo and Wit.
12 points
awarded to Ice Goblin for Herblore Mania; Kajiroku Event, supervied by Jen, Jake, Dilly, Bloo and Wit
==Recruit4Points Report==
Student(s): Ice Goblin66
Number of people recruited: 1
Supervised by: Jen
Points Awarded: 2 points to Ice Goblin66 for recruiting
, supervised by Jen.
Name of Recruited Clan Member (Full Username): Rasler
Combat Level: 200
Agility Level: 90
Thieving Level: 94
Herblore Level: 99
Timezone (Optional):
Did you go over the Rogue Ninja Civilization's...
[¤] Motto? Yes
[¤] Language Policy? Yes
[¤] Point System? Yes
[¤] Setting Private Chat to On? Yes
[¤] Reaching the Leaders (Gold Star or higher) for help? Yes
Student(s): Kevin
Activity: Wilderness Warbands
Activity's Rank: C
Duration: 1 round
Supervised by: Wit
Points Awarded: 4 points awarded to Kevin for Wilderness Warbands, supervised by Wit.
Shikimoko4 | Leader
Rogue Ninja Civilization Thread | Clan Chat: Rogue Ninja Civ | Discord: Shikimoko4 #9894
† You can test our Faith, but you can't take our Pride. †
Student(s): Nalcom X
Activity: Dung
Activity's Rank: C
Duration: 2 Rounds
Supervised by: Lost
Points Awarded: 8 points awarded to Nalcom X for Dunging supervised by, Lost.
= Mission Report =
Student(s): Deebug 96
Activity: Wild Agility Course Training
Activity's Rank: A
Duration: 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Supervised by: Lost
Points Awarded: 14 points awarded to Deebug 96 for Wild Agility Course Training supervised by, Lost.
= Mission Report =
Student(s): Deebug 96, and Rogue Link
Activity: Fishing Training
Activity's Rank: C
Duration: 1 Hour
Supervised by: Blue, and Lost
Points Awarded: 4 points awarded Deebug 96, and 4 points awarded to Rogue Link for Fishing Training supervised by, Lost.
= Mission Report =
Student(s): Deebug 96, and IceGoblin96
Activity: Fising Flingers
Activity's Rank: C
Duration: 2 Rounds
Supervised by: Lost
Points Awarded: 8 points awarded to Deebug 96, and IceGoblin96 for Fishing Flingers supervised by, Lost.
= Mission Report =
Student(s): Deebug 96, and IceGoblin96
Activity: Cooking Training
Activity's Rank: C
Duration: 30 Minutes
Supervised by: Lost
Points Awarded: 2 points awarded to Deebug 96, and 1 point awarded to IceGoblin96 for Cooking Training supervised by, Lost.
= Mission Report =
Student(s): Nalcom X
Activity: Fishing Mission
Activity's Rank: C
Duration: 1 Hour
Supervised by: Lost
Points Awarded: 4 points awarded to Nalcom X for Fishing Training supervised by, Lost.
= Mission Report =
Student(s): Deebug 96, I am algea, and Nalcom X
Activity: Wild Agility Course Training
Activity's Rank: A
Duration: 1 Hour
Supervised by: Lost
Points Awarded: 8 points awarded Deebug 96, and 6 points awarded to I am algea, and Nalcom X for Wild Agility Course Training supervised by, Lost.
Rogue Ninja Civilization Thread
| Clan Chat: Rogue Ninja Civ | Discord: Lostdream #4855
† You can test our Faith, but you can't take our Pride. †
27-Jul-2013 21:00:24
- Last edited on
27-Jul-2013 21:01:20
Student(s): Nalcom, Dragooon_Wind, Ice Goblin, RenegadeRade, Zeck, Rogue Link, Deebug, Kyle
Activity: Black Dagger Awards
Activity's Rank: S
Duration: 60 Minutes
Supervised by: Sliskie, Flem, FailGod, Jake Me Away, ZarosLoard, ToxicSmurf, Pinwit, Taza, Dr Bad and Nukkles
Points Awarded: 15 points awarded to Nalcom, Dragooon_Wind, Ice Goblin, RenegadeRade, Zeck, Rogue Link, Deebug and Kyle for Black Dagger Awards (1.5x) supervised by Sliskie, Flem, FailGod, Jake Me Away, ZarosLoard, ToxicSmurf, Pinwit, Taza, Dr Bad and Nukkles.
Shikimoko4 | Leader
Rogue Ninja Civilization Thread | Clan Chat: Rogue Ninja Civ | Discord: Shikimoko4 #9894
† You can test our Faith, but you can't take our Pride. †