Was recruited last night ._. is new to the game too so he may ask some weak questions ._. It did take him 95 minz to bake a pie ._.
¤ Forum Application ¤
Name (Full Display Name): Genomes
Nickname (What we should call you): geno
Combat Level: 6
Agility Level: 1
Thieving Level: 1
Herblore Level:1
Timezone (Optional): EST
What is our motto? (See Post 2!): You can test our Faith, but you can't take our Pride.
Can you summarize our language policy? (See Post 8!): No douchebagery
Name One Method of Earning Points (See Post 7!): Attending missions
We prefer that private chat is set to On. Can you do this?: Yes
Can you inform us if you have any concerns or issues?: Yes
How'd you hear about us? (List any recruiters here!): Flem, FailGod
Anything else you want to add:
Shikimoko4 | Leader
Rogue Ninja Civilization Thread | Clan Chat: Rogue Ninja Civ | Discord: Shikimoko4 #9894
† You can test our Faith, but you can't take our Pride. †
Shikimoko4 | Leader
Rogue Ninja Civilization Thread | Clan Chat: Rogue Ninja Civ | Discord: Shikimoko4 #9894
† You can test our Faith, but you can't take our Pride. †