
»† Rogue Ninja Civilization †« Thread is locked

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Apr Member 2014


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Rogue Ninja Civilization Thread | Clan Chat: Rogue Ninja Civ | Discord: Shikimoko4 #9894
† You can test our Faith, but you can't take our Pride. †

02-Jul-2014 02:51:02



Posts: 477 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What is this pulling, tugging at my
Limbs so heavy, dragging me down again
Into the depths of cold blue water
But don't believe me, I swear this isn't me
I just want to feel the sunlight
Warm and soothing on my ***** skin
So I'm hoping this cold blue water
Scrubs me clean

Oh my one, swear I'm trying
What good would it do lying
Oh my one, swear I'm trying
What good would it do lying
Saw something in the shadows
Drew me into the shallows
Saw something in the shadows
Drew me into the shallows

What is this pulling, tugging at my
Limbs so heavy dragging me down again
So I'm hoping, this cold blue water
Scrubs me clean and spits me out again
Because I just want to feel the sunlight
Warm and soothing...

Oh my one, swear I'm trying
What good would it do lying
Oh my one, swear I'm trying
What good would it do lying
Saw something in the shadows
Drew me into the shallows
Saw something in the shadows
Drew me into the shallows

Oh my one, swear I'm trying
What good would it do lying
Oh my one, swear I'm trying
What good would it do lying
Saw something in the shadows
Drew me into the shallows
Saw something in the shadows
Drew me into the shallows
Saw something in the shadows
Drew me into the shallows
Saw something in the shadows
Drew me into the shallows

02-Jul-2014 02:51:07

Wolf Soul

Wolf Soul

Posts: 3,058 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
But this long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is long past the ocean is flat again.

~John Maynard Keynes

02-Jul-2014 02:51:17

Wolf Soul

Wolf Soul

Posts: 3,058 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
But this long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is long past the ocean is flat again.

~John Maynard Keynes

02-Jul-2014 02:51:38

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