Name (Full Display Name): Excelsiors
Nickname (What we should call you): Excel
Combat Level: 200
Agility Level: 88
Thieving Level: 85
Herblore Level:99
Timezone (Optional):
What is our motto? (See Post 2!): You can test our Faith, but you can't take our Pride.
Can you summarize our language policy? (See Post 8!):No profanity or vulgar language
Name One Method of Earning Points (See Post 7!):Capping at citadel
We prefer that private chat is set to On. Can you do this?:Yes
Can you inform us if you have any concerns or issues?Yes
How'd you hear about us? (List any recruiters here!): Pinwit
Anything else you want to add: Pinwit4pres!
16-Mar-2014 02:59:06