Past User Names: 2_Malicious, Ma1ic10us,
I will respect all members in the clan. Yes/No. Typically, yes? I mean totally, totally yes.
Do you want to be part of weekly citadel. Yes/No Once ive been shown this Sit a Dell you speak of.
I agree to all of the clan rules. Yes/No. I did'st see something to paste here so I hope I didnt miss it but, yes.
I am willing to go to clan events. Yes/No. Yep.
I am willing to seek out new members who can benefit the clan. Yes/No. Yep.
Why do you want to join Zirak Kingdom? I heard the annuity plan was excellent, as well as the various heath and well being benefits provided. I look forward to being a positive, and productive, member of your team.
Did someone recruit you? (if yes their name is required) Krisi
Is there anyone in the clan, you know? People, I know people.
Are you a Ironman account? No, I'm not.
If Yes what is your Mains name? ^
Past Clans: Kingdom of Varrock (king), Empire of Sand (king), Zirak (previously), ummm... like... ummmmmmmm... im missing a couple.
25-Sep-2016 05:02:53