Past User Names:
I will respect all members in the clan. Yes/No.
I will collect resources for Zirak Citadel each week. Yes/No.
Yes, I always cap
I agree to all of the clan rules. Yes/No.
I am willing to go to clan events. Yes/No.
I am willing to seek out new members who can benefit the clan. Yes/No.
Yes I will recruit for the clan
Why do you want to join Zirak Kingdom?
Events , Organised PvP , Player v Monster
Did someone recruit you? (if yes their name is required)
Is there anyone in the clan, you know?
No , but I recognise names
Are you a Ironman account?
If Yes what is your Mains name?
Past Clans:
Empire of Priffdinas, Kingdom of Crystal
Your application looks all very colorful and has after review has been accepted.
Welcome to Zirak, come in when you have finished your cool down for a invite, in the meantime feel free to hang in the clan chat.