I will collect resources for Zirak Citadel each week. Yes/No.
I agree to all of the clan rules. Yes/No.
I am willing to go to clan events. Yes/No.
I am willing to seek out new members who can benefit the clan. Yes/No.
Why do you want to join Zirak Kingdom? I have a few family members in the clan and need a home.
Did someone recruit you? (if yes their name is required)
Yes, It was Ladysutton21
Is there anyone in the clan, you know? Yes, Aedari, Ladysutton21, Dragonsryder
Dally Khan
Dally Khan
I asked my friend the other day why he hadn't seen the Lego Movie. He said he was building up to it.
Your Pun is bad!
And you should feel bad!
Lego of the joke
Oh my goodness.
Legggggggggo leggggggggggggggggo turn away and slam the door!!! (I couldn't resist
*runs back to hibernation hole*
*Fills in whole with yellow Lego Brick and one see through for light*