

Quick find code: 93-94-794-65564481

May Member 2009


Posts: 8,668 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Arcane Royal said :
Howdy neighbours ! ;)

EDIT: Come on, the only reason I used this account to post on ALL the threads was because I didn't want you to get upset if I used mine...

You a tad slow, stay off the forums. You been warned numerous times by jagex over the years. I dont care what woulda shoulda coulda story your selling stay off it, You are not welcome.
| Zirak Kingdom |
| Slayer 200m/200m| 50k /64k slayer points Whats your slayer points | I've Killed Pixels

28-Mar-2016 21:18:36

Tight Anium

Tight Anium

Posts: 2,375 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Past User Names: None

I will respect all members in the clan. Yes

Do you want to be part of weekly citadel. Perhaps (unsure of what this is)

I agree to all of the clan rules. Yes

I am willing to go to clan events. Yes

I am willing to seek out new members who can benefit the clan. Yes

Why do you want to join Zirak Kingdom? In need of a well established clan to play runescape with and have fun

Did someone recruit you? No

Is there anyone in the clan, you know? No

Are you a Ironman account? No

If Yes what is your Mains name?

Past Clans: None
Tight Anium

30-Mar-2016 08:36:40

Quick find code: 93-94-794-65564481 Back to Top