Past User Names: Ens**er, Nevoxx, Thunders, Multi light3
I will respect all members in the clan. Yes
Do you want to be part of weekly citadel. Yes
I agree to all of the clan rules. Yes
I am willing to go to clan events. Yes
I am willing to seek out new members who can benefit the clan. Yes
Why do you want to join Zirak Kingdom? Back when I first played RuneScape, in like...2007, I used to be part of a POC called Kingdom of Rellekka, and Idk, after years of being gone from the POC scene, I've decided to return.
Did someone recruit you? No
Is there anyone in the clan, you know? I remember Krisimay from back in the day (and still have the gnome shorts she gave me that one time in Castle Wars from those times)
Are you a Ironman account? Nope
If Yes what is your Mains name?
Past Clans: Kingdom of Rellekka, Green Bandits, PSO, Archmageddon
26-Jan-2016 09:11:53