Hi. This is my Application. I meant to do this earlier, but I was sick the past 3 days right after I joined and am just now finding my way around the forums and 'Dragon Land' website where I also recently updated my profile - so I'm catching up.
Runescape Name:
Name(s) you prefer to be called in clan chat: Asp
Gender Male or Female: Male
How long have you played Runescape? Since Mid-2006
What's your favorite skill? All of them
What is your least favorite skill? I don't have one
Do you have any achievement capes? If so, what are they? None (yet)
Have you read the welcome area and the rules? Yes
Please tell us one of the rules: No topics on Drugs and drug use.
Do you agree to follow them? Yes
How did you find out about the clan / who referred you? Honestly, I don't remember but I just did and I'm glad I did.
06-Dec-2011 19:30:12